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A Glimpse on a Magnificent Breakthrough: Mike Dillard’s What’s Working Now (WWN)

For a serious marketer like me, I would call him -“the ever famous Mike Dillard”. Known for his wide array of web pages, videos, e books and other media that has greatly impacted the home business industry , he is a truly a marketing genius . Another title that would befit Mike is “Master of Attraction Marketing”. His innovation for teaching how to generate leads in a more effective way was a life-changing lesson for thousands of marketing aficionado including myself.

Mike Dillard has authored substantial materials. Magnetic Sponsoring ; Building on a Budget ; MLM Traffic Formula 1 & 2; and Black Belt Recruiting were some of his known works to name a few. And up to this very moment, he has passionately continued to discover and develop marketing strategies. In his continuous pursuit of a modified and simplified method, Mike recently fathered another innovation - “What’s Working Now or (WWN)”.

I know for a fact that internet marketing constantly changes, making competition rigid than ever. As new strategies unfolds every day, a lot of marketing strategies become either outdated or dysfunctional. “What’s Working Now or (WWN)” will be the solution that will help us, network marketers to maximize their time utilizing the functional materials we’ve found in the Internet and at the same time not only minimize, but most probably eliminate the chances of wasting our time in using petty strategies.

If you’d like to learn how to generate more leads, and more cash for your MLM business, WITHOUT having to spend all of your valuable time reading expensive marketing courses, then you’re in luck...

If you haven't stopped to take 15 minutes to at least educate yourself about something incredible that will make your life better, and improve your business, then do so right now before it's too late..
To be on the Shortcut click the link below.

--->> What’s Working Now (WWN)

Usana Review

I'll start by spending some time looking at the products Usana provides for the marketplace and what the business opportunity looks like and then end with how it is possible to recruit like crazy. These are all important issues that need to be considered when looking to join any business opportunity. After reading this article, I have full confidence that you will be able to easy evaluate this and other opportunities well.

The Usana Products
You of course have to decide whether the company's products are one that you stand behind and if they are easily marketable. Usana is a company in the health and wellness field as has a couple different product lines.
Usana's vitamin line has been a solid staple in their business. America especially is becoming more and more health conscious so this is something that I'm sure has done well. Of of the areas that they have not skimped on is the hiring of true professionals. They have some of the top experts in their field working to enhance their product.
The second category deals with a Diet and Energy line. I think you get the idea of these products just from the heading, right? That final product line is geared more toward women in the Personal Care area. Of course this is creating the typical things women use on a more daily basis like face wash, lotion, etc.
The one thing I've got to give them high marks on is the fact that since 1992, when they first opened their doors, they have done very well in selling their products. One thing you might want to think about though is are you going to be able to jump into a market that is competitive and survive? Let's take a look at that in the next section.

The Usana Business Opportunity
You must be on the edge of your seat now that I've told you some awesome things about Usana. Well, not so fast. I would suggest doing a bit more research first. It is extremely important to know how open a market is before you jump in head first.
Since Usana is in the health and wellness area I would have to say that quite honestly it is not very open at all. Actually the number of network marketing companies in this area is the largest of any of the market sectors, which means lots of competition.
Now I'm not knocking Usana here but with the age of the company, they are more what I would call in the "Stabilization" phase of growth. This means that the company has already gone through its exponential growth and is now and probably always will be in linear growth. I'm not here to knock Usana, this would be the same for any company, it's just personally not for me.

What Do You Need to Know?
It is extremely important that you learn to MARKET. Not that learning to build your business in the more traditional ways is a bad thing, it definitely is not, I've just found there is more leverage online. The lifeblood of any network marketer's business is to be constantly recruiting and that's what you'll have to do as well.

Incredible things will happen if you learn to apply some simple skill sets to learning how to market. I've learned how to apply one simple strategy to get my content ranked on the first page of Google and stay there. The best part about this strategy is that it is completely FREE and helps me to sponsor many people every month into my business.

If after reading this Usana Review you're serious about building a MASSIVE team online, you will find, just like hundreds of others, that my MLM Training site of extreme value. You can actually get my $347 training on driving unlimited amounts of traffic for FREE.

Boresha International Review

The co-founders of Boresha Coffee, which is a network marketing company that sells coffee through a process called direct selling, are George Najjar, Michael C. Babcock, Leonard Di Giovanni, and Dr. Ann de Wees Allen. Coffee being a $70 Billion dollar per year industry it is the most popular drink in the world next to water. It is also the worlds second most traded commodity.

Boresha coffee markets an arabica coffee bean which they use to make their coffee. They claim they have superior products and coffee over all the other competitors on the market. For those people out there who are looking for a weight loss remedy, Boresha Coffee’s coffee will help with weight loss. Using modern technology and what they call their “Skinny Science,” their coffee well control appetites, balance energy, burn fat, help control stress-related eating.

Before you join any network marketing company, Boresha Coffee included you should know some interesting facts. If you join Boresha Coffee there’s a 90% chance you will fail. You read right, 90% of people who join Boresha Coffee will be failures. Boresha Coffee is at fault for the failure rate being so high, due to their lack of training. Boresha Coffee cliams all you have to build a successful business with their company is refer everyone you know to try their products.


When people try to grow their businesses’ using word of mouth strategies such as referrals they usually struggle to have any success. Why doesn’t this work you ask? Because most people you know are not in the target market you should be sharing your business opportunity with.
There is a right way and a wrong way to go about sharing your business opportunity with people. There is also the right and wrong kind of people to share your business opportunity with as well. When you learn the secrets of attraction marketing you will have people attracted to you and hunting you down to buy whatever it is you have to offer them. Learning the skills of attraction marketing is key to being successful in the network marketing industry and a total change of mindset then most who try to pitch there business opportunity to any and every one who will listen. Get the art of attraction marketing down to a science and people will be flocking to you to join you in business. Furthermore, you’ll never have to “pitch” your business opportunity again.

Marketing Strategies, and Success Secrets to Create Wealth Here: Boresha Coffee

Can Anyone Make Money in a MLM Opportunity ONLINE?

If you have been in the industry long enough and known enough people who have attempted this then the answer is yes of course. The real answer most are seeking is can you make enough?

Look, not all MLM opportunities are created equal. If they were you could basically just close your eyes and just pick one, right? Now with the understanding that certain top network marketing companies have advantages over run of the mill ones why would you put your future into one that doesn’t perform?

Think of this for a second, if you were going to build a MLM opportunity ONLINE do you really think for a second that they all perform the same. Think about it long and hard.

Do all network marketing companies give YOU the best chance of making a huge residual income stream? Is it in your own best interest to be collecting an autoship or maintenance products that really doesn’t benefit your bottom money? It’s one thing to take something that might help so just be a customer, but why join the business if it’s not going to make you the most money from what you were going to do anyways.

If you decide to take on this industry and want to make your money ONLINE you MUST realize a couple of key points:

  • Is your upline or mlm opportunity ready to help you with ONLINE MARKETING?
  • Is your upline or mlm opportunity ready to really help you generate leads and make YOU money? Or does it just seem like they only want you to talk to your friends and family just so they can squeeze you before you quit the company?
  • If online is going to be a major part of your marketing are you partnering with people who do the same? Running with a replicated website is not going to help you be found online.
  • Is the company or product you are taking going to make you a better business person? This is a business not a hobby. If the mlm opportunity you are researching or the one you are in isn’t preparing you down the line for long term residual what is the point. You must develop yourself and become a leader if you ever plan to last in this industry and not be another network marketing rep who quit after 6 months of constant rejection.
Choose wisely and follow leadership,
Patrick Plazo

Data Network Affiliate (DNA) Review

DNA Logo Data Network Affiliates Review: Is D.N.A. A Narc That Car Knockoff Or More
Data Network Affiliates if definitetly making a ton of noise with it’s up coming
launch on March 01, 2010.

Why all the noise? Before I get into that let me tell you what you will find out.You will know everything about Data Network Affiliates that will no doubt answer the most burning questions that you have which are:
What is it?
Is it a scam?
How much does it cost?
How do you make money?
What’s the product?
What’s the simplest way to build a huge team?

Now the reason why this company is making a TON of noise is because its FREE to join. That’s right you heard me FREE. AND on the company website they challenge the naysayers who say its no way to make money in a company where its FREE to join.
I know I may have peeked your interest already so let’s start with the basics.

What is Data Network Affiliates?

(D.N.A) is in the data collection business. As of the writing of this post they collect car tag #s and input them into their system. And you get paid for doing just that. If you heard of Narc That Car its the exact same concept just with a different company and its FREE.

Is It A Scam?
No, Data Network Affiliates is not a scam.

How Much Does D.N.A cost?
Like I mentioned several times the cost to join is free. HOWEVER when you use the D.N.A. Business Package the cost is $29.97 per month with that. There is a way to get it for free and by using it it will put more money in your pockets. More on that later.

What Is D.N.A’s Product?
The product is the data that you collect. Any license plate number that you collect is the data. So simple right?

How Do You Make Money With Data Network Affiliate?

1. When you personally turn in 20 or more tags the company will pay you $2 each month
2. If you teach the people you sponsor to do the same you will get $2 per person that turns in 20 tags 6 levels deep.

To make it simpler let me show you what is posted on their website. If you want to build a huge downline by teaching 10 to follow what you do and it just keeps duplicating that way here is what you will get:
You = $2
You + 10 1st level x 20 tags = 200 tags pays you $20
You + 100 2nd level x 20 tags = 2000 tags pays you $200
You + 1000 3rd level x 20 tags = 20000 tags pays you $2,000
You + 10000 4th level x 20 tags = 200000 tags pays you $20,000
You + 100000 5th level x 20 tags = 2,000,000 tags pays you $200,000

You + 1000000 6th level x 20 tags = 20,000,000 tags pays you $2,000,000

I will show you in a few how to grow a big Data Network Affiliate downline. But there is more on how you get paid with D.N.A.
If you use their Data Input Software Module you get paid more. The following is directly from their corporate website.

1. D.N.A. pays weekly instead of monthly when you use the Data Input Software Module to enter your 20 tags.2. D.N.A. pays you $25 instead of $2 for your initial personal 20 data tag inputs within your
1st 30 days when you use the Data Input Software Module.
3. D.N.A. pays you $27 instead of $2 for each of your personal 1st level affiliates who use the Data Input Software Module system to summit their initial 20 data inputs within their 1st 30 days.4. D.N.A. pays a 1% Data Input Tag Pool Bonus. When you use the Data Input Software Module you may input as many tags as you wish to try to earn a part of the 1% pool. This is 1% of the gross sales monthly to be divided in $1,000 awards to go to the people who inputted the most plates in a calender month.5. D.N.A. pays a 100% Matching Bonus. When you have personally sponsored 10 affiliates who all use the Data Input Software They are also working on other ways to get MONEY in your pockets.They are also working on other ways to get MONEY in your pockets. Module to enter 20 tags each within a calender month.6. D.N.A. pays your $29.97 D.N.A. Business Package Monthly Fee for any affiliate who has personally sponsored 10 affiliates who enter 20 tags each using the Data Input Software Module for such calender month.
They are also working on other ways to get MONEY in your pockets.
How Do You Build A Large Team With Data Network Affiliates?

That is a very good question and the most important. If you believe in the company, product, and how you get paid and are ready to dive into this then you really want to listen up.
Although it is free to join do not and I mean do not expect people to do back flips over this and duplicate what you do. Your goal is to get 10 people to duplicate getting 20 tags a month and teaching their downline to do the same.
Now I’m going to be honest. D.N.A. pays out pretty low and there are certain limits in place.

Sticking with the numbers above if you want to make $20,000 a month you have to have 10,000 people in your downline DUPLICATING what you are doing.
Word of mouth will take you far but only so far even though its free. The most effective way in this day and age to build a huge downline is to leverage the internet.You gotta know how to attract people to you, what to say in your advertising, what’s the best form of marketing to use, have a system that converts well, and so many more critical components.
But you can’t learn this from Joe Blow off the street. You have to surround yourself with people that have made it to the top and are helping others to do the same.

Let me be real candid with you. Building a team of 10,000 people just to make $20,000 is a lot of work. BUT it can be done. When you are looking at MLM companies that charge no or a low price to join then you have to expect to sponsor a large amount of people in order to make the money.
There are better options out there where you don’t have to sponsor tens of thousands of people
just to make $20k + a month. Heck not even hundreds. But if you want to stay the free route that is on you. Only so much is free in life. Other things you WILL have to pay for.

So if you are ready to take this ride with Data Network Affiliates then I will offer you the top notch internet
marketing system, training and support to help you build this huge team.

Winalite Review - Is A Love Moon Home Business Right For You?

Winalite was founded in China in 2007 to deliver consumer products made using latest techniques; but with the user’s best interests in mind. Winalite is a network marketing company that has, in the course of three years expanded to reach international markets. Let’s find out what’s behind this growth and see if this business is as sturdy in the long run as it is now.

Love Moon sanitary napkin is the chief product of this enterprise. Other than this, Winalite sells baby diapers, shampoos and cell phones. The company has two huge state-of art manufacturing units in Guangdong and Chongqing.

Negative Ions For Good Health
Love moon sanitary napkins have an edge over competing products because of their anion padding. This padding is supposed to help eliminate bacteria and boost energy resources. Promoters attribute a lot more benefits to these anion paddings.
About The Winalite Business
Winalite was founded by Mr ChenHuai De in January, 2007 in China. Love moon, Winalite’s best seller boosted the company image to make it popular in just a couple of years. Now the products are sold by distributors in several countries such as US, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong etc. The company has more than 5,00,000 distributors worldwide and the business has almost reached its billion dollars milestone in US alone.
The Income Opportunity
Distributors can choose from four entry levels – Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. Income is in the form of commissions, sponsorship bonus, multiplier bonus and leadership matching bonus. Apart from money, achievers get car incentives and family holiday packages.

The company expects a tremendous increase in demand for sanitary products in the coming years. This trillion dollar wave is said to have created the “tsunami of business opport
unities”. Let’s see how close this is to the truth.

Benefits of Winalite
- Sanitary napkins are used every month. This means repeat business for the distributor.
- The product demo alone is enough to sell the product. This product has a clear edge over competing products; it’s unique and has a patent to protect its individuality.

Negative Factors
- Moving from person to person and selling women hygiene products is not an easy task.
- The anion strip is sometimes oversold with exaggerated versions of its benefits by over enthusiastic distributors.
- Approaching friends or relatives with a plan to sell them your products is not going to fetch you enough income or take you anywhere near the car and holiday incentives.

Customers are familiar with well-known brands like Stayfree, Kotex and Always. You’ll have to compete with these established names to sell Lovemoon.

Winning With Winalite
Winalite seems to be a decent business to take up. However, if you want to enjoy the full benefit of what the business has to offer, you need to be proactive about marketing your products. You’d get much better response when you promote your products through a media like the internet than when you meet people individually. Network marketing success can be achieved with massive results when your not meeting people one by one. You could reach a lot of people through the net and get interested people to contact you for bookings.

OrganoGold MLM Review, Ganoderma and Coffee

What’s a better way to start your day than with a cup of hot coffee? And when the normally toxic caffeine is boosted with nutritional factors, one just can’t say no. OrganoGold is a MLM brand that combines the most happening industry of the decade with the world’s favourite pick-me-up. Here’s a review of Organo Gold Coffee and the MLM opportunity it presents to help you decide if it’s really gold or just glitter.


Mr.Bernie Chua, the founder of OrganoGold is an established player in the direct marketing field. The product is sold through distributors who’ve bought and tried the product and are satisfied.

The Product

The secret of the health factor is the Ganoderma Luciderm mushroom which is said to provide innumerable benefits to human health. This mushroom is a powerhouse of nutrients with high levels of antioxidants that are very beneficial to the body. Organo Gold Coffee has three varieties: Gourmet Black Coffee, Gourmet Latte and Gourmet Mocha. The company also sells green tea, Ganoderma spore powder and skin care products.

The Organo Gold Network Marketing Home Business

The company’s proud to have come up with a product that combines one of the most popular products in the world with health-enriching factors. However, even the best of products needs to be promoted by motivated distributors and product satisfaction alone is not enough to make people sell a product.
The Income Factor

Other than the usual retail profit margin on products, reps get to earn through six different kinds of bonus depending on the number of people they recruit and business done by your left leg and right leg. This means, there’s no cap to your income when you keep improving your MLM Downline. These pluses are enough to make people jump to conclusions and join the business; however, it’s important to know the negative aspects of any venture before you take it up.

Problem Factors

- Competitors
The problem with selecting the world’s second largest traded commodity is the number of competitors you have to defend your product against. Your competitors range from established brands like Starbucks, Maxwell House and Peets to health coffee products comparable to Organo like Healthy Coffee, JavaFit Pro and Boresha Coffee.

- The health benefits of this product are not apparent in the short term;; since this product’s recently launched, you can’t demonstrate its effect on people.

- While OrganoGold offers a training program with complete online infrastructure for reps to demonstrate their products through webinars and calls, the company doesn’t teach distributors the art of marketing their product. They only teach you how to sell the product; important aspects such as generating MLM leads are missed out.

Selling Tricks

It’s important to distinguish yourself from others who are in the same business. Make your website stand apart and set up an effective MLM lead system to get in touch with customers. Learn to use various online tools to your advantage to market your business; strategic use of online resources is sure to boost your profits.