Usana Review

I'll start by spending some time looking at the products Usana provides for the marketplace and what the business opportunity looks like and then end with how it is possible to recruit like crazy. These are all important issues that need to be considered when looking to join any business opportunity. After reading this article, I have full confidence that you will be able to easy evaluate this and other opportunities well.

The Usana Products
You of course have to decide whether the company's products are one that you stand behind and if they are easily marketable. Usana is a company in the health and wellness field as has a couple different product lines.
Usana's vitamin line has been a solid staple in their business. America especially is becoming more and more health conscious so this is something that I'm sure has done well. Of of the areas that they have not skimped on is the hiring of true professionals. They have some of the top experts in their field working to enhance their product.
The second category deals with a Diet and Energy line. I think you get the idea of these products just from the heading, right? That final product line is geared more toward women in the Personal Care area. Of course this is creating the typical things women use on a more daily basis like face wash, lotion, etc.
The one thing I've got to give them high marks on is the fact that since 1992, when they first opened their doors, they have done very well in selling their products. One thing you might want to think about though is are you going to be able to jump into a market that is competitive and survive? Let's take a look at that in the next section.

The Usana Business Opportunity
You must be on the edge of your seat now that I've told you some awesome things about Usana. Well, not so fast. I would suggest doing a bit more research first. It is extremely important to know how open a market is before you jump in head first.
Since Usana is in the health and wellness area I would have to say that quite honestly it is not very open at all. Actually the number of network marketing companies in this area is the largest of any of the market sectors, which means lots of competition.
Now I'm not knocking Usana here but with the age of the company, they are more what I would call in the "Stabilization" phase of growth. This means that the company has already gone through its exponential growth and is now and probably always will be in linear growth. I'm not here to knock Usana, this would be the same for any company, it's just personally not for me.

What Do You Need to Know?
It is extremely important that you learn to MARKET. Not that learning to build your business in the more traditional ways is a bad thing, it definitely is not, I've just found there is more leverage online. The lifeblood of any network marketer's business is to be constantly recruiting and that's what you'll have to do as well.

Incredible things will happen if you learn to apply some simple skill sets to learning how to market. I've learned how to apply one simple strategy to get my content ranked on the first page of Google and stay there. The best part about this strategy is that it is completely FREE and helps me to sponsor many people every month into my business.

If after reading this Usana Review you're serious about building a MASSIVE team online, you will find, just like hundreds of others, that my MLM Training site of extreme value. You can actually get my $347 training on driving unlimited amounts of traffic for FREE.

Boresha International Review

The co-founders of Boresha Coffee, which is a network marketing company that sells coffee through a process called direct selling, are George Najjar, Michael C. Babcock, Leonard Di Giovanni, and Dr. Ann de Wees Allen. Coffee being a $70 Billion dollar per year industry it is the most popular drink in the world next to water. It is also the worlds second most traded commodity.

Boresha coffee markets an arabica coffee bean which they use to make their coffee. They claim they have superior products and coffee over all the other competitors on the market. For those people out there who are looking for a weight loss remedy, Boresha Coffee’s coffee will help with weight loss. Using modern technology and what they call their “Skinny Science,” their coffee well control appetites, balance energy, burn fat, help control stress-related eating.

Before you join any network marketing company, Boresha Coffee included you should know some interesting facts. If you join Boresha Coffee there’s a 90% chance you will fail. You read right, 90% of people who join Boresha Coffee will be failures. Boresha Coffee is at fault for the failure rate being so high, due to their lack of training. Boresha Coffee cliams all you have to build a successful business with their company is refer everyone you know to try their products.


When people try to grow their businesses’ using word of mouth strategies such as referrals they usually struggle to have any success. Why doesn’t this work you ask? Because most people you know are not in the target market you should be sharing your business opportunity with.
There is a right way and a wrong way to go about sharing your business opportunity with people. There is also the right and wrong kind of people to share your business opportunity with as well. When you learn the secrets of attraction marketing you will have people attracted to you and hunting you down to buy whatever it is you have to offer them. Learning the skills of attraction marketing is key to being successful in the network marketing industry and a total change of mindset then most who try to pitch there business opportunity to any and every one who will listen. Get the art of attraction marketing down to a science and people will be flocking to you to join you in business. Furthermore, you’ll never have to “pitch” your business opportunity again.

Marketing Strategies, and Success Secrets to Create Wealth Here: Boresha Coffee

Can Anyone Make Money in a MLM Opportunity ONLINE?

If you have been in the industry long enough and known enough people who have attempted this then the answer is yes of course. The real answer most are seeking is can you make enough?

Look, not all MLM opportunities are created equal. If they were you could basically just close your eyes and just pick one, right? Now with the understanding that certain top network marketing companies have advantages over run of the mill ones why would you put your future into one that doesn’t perform?

Think of this for a second, if you were going to build a MLM opportunity ONLINE do you really think for a second that they all perform the same. Think about it long and hard.

Do all network marketing companies give YOU the best chance of making a huge residual income stream? Is it in your own best interest to be collecting an autoship or maintenance products that really doesn’t benefit your bottom money? It’s one thing to take something that might help so just be a customer, but why join the business if it’s not going to make you the most money from what you were going to do anyways.

If you decide to take on this industry and want to make your money ONLINE you MUST realize a couple of key points:

  • Is your upline or mlm opportunity ready to help you with ONLINE MARKETING?
  • Is your upline or mlm opportunity ready to really help you generate leads and make YOU money? Or does it just seem like they only want you to talk to your friends and family just so they can squeeze you before you quit the company?
  • If online is going to be a major part of your marketing are you partnering with people who do the same? Running with a replicated website is not going to help you be found online.
  • Is the company or product you are taking going to make you a better business person? This is a business not a hobby. If the mlm opportunity you are researching or the one you are in isn’t preparing you down the line for long term residual what is the point. You must develop yourself and become a leader if you ever plan to last in this industry and not be another network marketing rep who quit after 6 months of constant rejection.
Choose wisely and follow leadership,
Patrick Plazo