Boresha International Review

The co-founders of Boresha Coffee, which is a network marketing company that sells coffee through a process called direct selling, are George Najjar, Michael C. Babcock, Leonard Di Giovanni, and Dr. Ann de Wees Allen. Coffee being a $70 Billion dollar per year industry it is the most popular drink in the world next to water. It is also the worlds second most traded commodity.

Boresha coffee markets an arabica coffee bean which they use to make their coffee. They claim they have superior products and coffee over all the other competitors on the market. For those people out there who are looking for a weight loss remedy, Boresha Coffee’s coffee will help with weight loss. Using modern technology and what they call their “Skinny Science,” their coffee well control appetites, balance energy, burn fat, help control stress-related eating.

Before you join any network marketing company, Boresha Coffee included you should know some interesting facts. If you join Boresha Coffee there’s a 90% chance you will fail. You read right, 90% of people who join Boresha Coffee will be failures. Boresha Coffee is at fault for the failure rate being so high, due to their lack of training. Boresha Coffee cliams all you have to build a successful business with their company is refer everyone you know to try their products.


When people try to grow their businesses’ using word of mouth strategies such as referrals they usually struggle to have any success. Why doesn’t this work you ask? Because most people you know are not in the target market you should be sharing your business opportunity with.
There is a right way and a wrong way to go about sharing your business opportunity with people. There is also the right and wrong kind of people to share your business opportunity with as well. When you learn the secrets of attraction marketing you will have people attracted to you and hunting you down to buy whatever it is you have to offer them. Learning the skills of attraction marketing is key to being successful in the network marketing industry and a total change of mindset then most who try to pitch there business opportunity to any and every one who will listen. Get the art of attraction marketing down to a science and people will be flocking to you to join you in business. Furthermore, you’ll never have to “pitch” your business opportunity again.

Marketing Strategies, and Success Secrets to Create Wealth Here: Boresha Coffee

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